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China RoHS - since 2006

The Chinese Pollution Act regulates the use of certain hazardous substances

The China RoHS compliance policy

Similar to the European RoHS guidelines, the Chinese Pollution Act regulates the use of certain hazardous substances such as lead, cadmium, chromium VI, mercury or PBB/PBDE polybrominated flame inhibitors.


The regulation is mainly valid for manufacturers, importers, and dealers of products circulated within China. The regulation started in two steps beginning on March 1, 2007. The first step included the unique declaration of the products. The second step defines the limitation of the substances and control thereof.

The requirements of the CHINA-RoHS differ from the EU-RoHS in the following subjects:

1. China- RoHS does not allow any exception for products in the so-called "Electronic Information Products" (EIP) group.

2. Products for the end customers are required to be labeled. Suppliers do not to provide the mentioned marking but shall supply to the purchaser all necessary information required.

3. The limitations of the restricted substances are not yet defined. They will be similar to the limits of the EU-RoHS but the CHINA-RoHS does not allow any exceptions as indicated in the EU-RoHS guidelines.

4. The outermost packaging materials must be marked with the respective recycling logos according to GB-18455-2001.

5. All information according to CHINA-RoHS has to be available in Chinese.

6. The CHINA-RoHS conformity has to be confirmed by a Chinese laboratory, while the EU-RoHS conformity can be assured with self-declaration.


EIP products have to be marked with pollution control logos in accordance with the standard SJ/T11364-2006 since 1st March 2007. The declaration is different for products with relevant substances below the accepted threshold and the ones above it. If a product does not contain any toxic or hazardous substances it will be marked with the green logo. Logo 2 is normally in orange and indicates that the material contains certain toxic or hazardous substances and can be used safely during its environmental protection use period (EFUP). This duration is given with the figure in the logo and is indicated in years (e.g. 50 = 50 years EFUP). Components that are intended to be used directly by an end customer need to be labeled, while component suppliers do not need to provide the mentioned marking but they shall supply all necessary information required to the purchaser.


The prescriptive limits for the substances similar to the thresholds within the EU-RoHS will apply. The values of each substance have to be indicated within a list. CHINA RoHS requires the indication of the exact designation of the material contents.

Lead (Pb)

0,1 % by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm

Mercury (Hg)

0,1 % by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm

Cadmium (Cd)

0,01 % by weight


100 mg/kg


100 ppm

Chromium VI (Cr VI)

0,1 % by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm


0,1 % by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm


SCHURTER indexes all CHINA-RoHS conforming products on the website based on internal SCHURTER materials information with the green or orange logo, respectively. The symbol links to this information page for detailed status information and product overview lists. Detailed material information is provided by Product Content Sheets. The packaging material of storage units is marked with the required recycling symbols.


  • CHINA-RoHS Declaration

SCHURTER does not offer products to the market that are intended to be used directly by the end customer. This means that the products themselves are not marked nor does the packaging need to carry the pollution control logos. All required Information is assured by indicating the products within the catalog on the web and making product lists available for download from the website.

  • Explanation of the RoHS-Product List

SCHURTER provides the necessary information within the RoHS product lists on the website. Therein the actual status of conformity will be listed for the several product lines (Type) resp. the part numbers. The list contains besides the CHINA-RoHS information also information about the EU-RoHS conformity. The lists are the same in structure for the several product groups of the SCHURTER range and will be updated frequently by the product managers.

A sample of the product group fuses:


More and more often customers want to know what materials a component is comprised of. SCHURTER has therefore adopted the Umbrella Specifications initiative of the German Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI – Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektronikindustrie) and is making available the new Product Content Sheets.

A Product Content Sheet is being established for each product type, giving details of the materials contained in the component. It confirms that the product complies with all of the EU's current material prohibitions. To achieve this SCHURTER makes use of the official EICTA materials regulations list, which defines the legal regulations as they relate to the electronics industry.

In addition, the Product Content Sheets declare whether a component is already CHINA-RoHS resp. RoHS 2002/95/EC-compliant.

Example of a Product Content Sheet: UMT 250 PCS 

These Product Content Sheets are available for download on our website.

Product Overview with full Listing RoHS resp. China-RoHS compliant SCHURTER Components




Circuit Breaker for Equipment (CBE) 

Metal Line Components 

Switch Line 

EMC Products 

Data Signal Connectors 

Voltage Selectors and Switches


Test Jacks 

Product overview lists, which will report the fulfillment for use the use of hazardous substances according China-ROHS requirements. (Abbreviation for Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances).


The packaging material is also subject of declaration requirement. The indication is according to the requirements of GB-18450-200 resp. DIN.The ECFIC Environmental Group defined on its meeting on November 13. 2006 that only the external packaging material (including primary and secondary packaging) of EIP products is required to be labelled. The fixing material, internal packaging material and filling material are not required to be labeled. The label should be placed on the external surface.


For more detailed explanations please contact our Substance Management Team or your regional sales contact.

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