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RoHS compliant - a continued commitment

We are engaged with our solutions since 1999

Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS)

The RoHS directive prohibits the sale throughout EU territory of electrical appliances that contain lead, cadmium, chromium VI, mercury, selected brominated flame retardants, or phthalates in amounts higher than predefined thresholds:

EU Directive RoHS (Restriction on the use of Hazardous Substances)

The "Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electronic equipment" became effective in 2006, was recast in 2011 (2011/65/EU, ROHS 2), and amended in 2015 (EU 2015/863, ROHS 3). The directive prohibits the sale throughout EU territory of electrical appliances that contain lead, cadmium, chromium VI, mercury, selected brominated flame retardants, or phthalates in amounts higher than predefined thresholds. Electronics manufacturers have to be able to document that their devices are RoHS-compliant. The following limits of substance content apply:

Lead (Pb)

0.1% by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm

Mercury (Hg)

0.1% by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm

Cadmium (Cd)

0.01% by weight


100 mg/kg


100 ppm

Chromium VI (Cr VI)

0.1% by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm


0.1% by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm


0.1% by weight


1000 mg/kg


1000 ppm

These values apply to every homogeneous material, including raw material, specified in a piece of equipment, e.g. each solder and each component.


SCHURTER is demonstrating a continued commitment to safe working and environmental responsibility. We ensure that energy sources and materials are handled both economically and sensibly. For more information please see SCHURTER's Sustainability Report 2014

When developing components it is important to lessen the environmental impact of potential pollutants and at the same time meet customers' increasing demands for environmentally compatible products.

SCHURTER established a project team as early as 1999 with the goal to achieve lead-free and RoHS-compliant solutions at the earliest possible opportunity. The emphasis was on lead from the very beginning, since SCHURTER components barely consist of other materials affected by the RoHS Directive. Working alongside customers and suppliers we sought and evaluated alternatives to materials and techniques that used lead. Since 2006, we supply tin and copper alloys that have proved their compliance with our tests.

The lead-free components have been exhaustively tested and meet both SCHURTER's technical requirements and its high-quality standards.


In January 2005, we have successfully introduced a whole range of lead-free products into the market and in 2006, we completely switched our product lines to lead-free.

Thanks to our many years of process experience and longstanding international partnerships, we are able to ensure the reliability of our components in respect of their solderability in accordance with the required IEC 60068-2-20 standard. We continuously improve cost-effective lead-free production techniques that secure SCHURTER's high product quality.

Exceptions allowed by RoHS 2011/65/EU

Two exceptions are relevant to SCHURTER. They are related to lead is specified as a material, which means that the products are not lead-free, but they still comply with the RoHS. They bear the RoHS logo, but not the one for lead-free.

1) A lead content of up to 4% by weight (= 40'000 ppm) is allowed for alloys of copper. This means that all brass parts may contain a limited amount of lead. Example: although switch T11 contains some parts containing 2% lead, T11 is RoHS-compliant because the lead is contained in a CuZn alloy

2) SnPb solders are permitted provided that high-temperature soldering techniques are employed and that the solder contains at least 85% lead. Examples: SMD-FST, SMD-FTT, and SMD-SPT fuses

Explanation of the product overview list

SCHURTER is providing product overview lists that display the current RoHS and lead-free status by product type or group. The same format is used for all SCHURTER products; the lists contain detailed information and are regularly updated by substance management.

We maintain a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and update it on a regular basis.

Product Overview with full Listing RoHS resp. China-RoHS compliant SCHURTER Components

CoC RoHS Standard Products 




Circuit Breaker for Equipment (CBE) 

Metal Line Components 

Switch Line 

EMC Products 

Data Signal Connectors 

Voltage Selectors and Switches


Test Jacks 

Product overview lists, which will report the fulfillment for use the use of hazardous substances according ROHS requirements. (Abbreviation for Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances).

Example of a Product Content Sheet

UMT 250 PCS 

The materials used are documented on the so called product content sheets, short PCS . This document, documents among other things, the compliance with the limits for allowable

Restrictions on Material usage beyond EU RoHS Compliance

  • Asbestos

Asbestos is a group of minerals with long, thin fibrous crystals, and became popular in the industry due to its resistance to heat, electricity, and chemical damage, sound absorption, and tensile strength. Asbestos was used mainly in brake shoes and gaskets, on electric oven and hotplate wiring, and in buildings for its flame-retardant and insulating properties. Since the mid-1980s, many uses of asbestos are banned in many countries.SCHURTER has never used asbestos in its products. SCHURTER’s product line is completely free of asbestos.

  • Perfluoroctane sulfonates (PFOS)

PFOS-related substances have in the past been used mainly as providing resistance to grease, oil, and water for materials such as textiles, carpets, paper, and in the general coating, but current uses are now principally in such areas as chromium plating, photography, photolithography, fire fighting foams and hydraulic fluids for aviation.SCHURTER confirms that none of its products contain PFOS. In addition, SCHURTER does not employ PFOS in materials, production processes, or packaging.

  • Decabromdiphenylether (DecaBDE)

In 2008, the EU RoHS has been revised, and the exception for DecaBDE has been removed from the regulation.DecaBDE (Decabromdiphenylether) is employed as a flame retardant in plastic parts for electrical and electronic products. The substance degrades slowly in the natural environment and may cumulate in animal life forms. There are indications that DecaBDE decomposes into the more toxic chemicals Penta- or Octabromdiphenylether. Marketing and use of these two chemicals are – based on their harmful effect – prohibited in the EU since 2004.SCHURTER confirms that its plastic parts do not contain DecaBDE.

SCHURTER does not use DecaBDE as a flame retardant in its products.


For more detailed explanations please contact our Substance Management Team or your regional sales contact.

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