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Engineering Competences

We understand the importance of perfectly engineered products.

Engineering Competences

Our engineers around the world are proven experts. They know exactly how to create astonishingly effective electronic components and perfectly integrated HMI's.

Ideas become products

Engineering means progress, moving forward. This is exactly how engineering is understood at SCHURTER. Ideas turn into new products that help us and our customers. Questions and answers on this topic:

O&A Engineering

Watch our video and experience SCHURTER's engineering excellence!

Our in house expertises


Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering guarantees that the shape and appearance of our products exactly meet - or even exceed - our customers' expectations.

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

The electronics within our products are developed in-house by our experienced electrical and electronic engineers. They ensure the smooth interaction between the user and the SCHURTER products.

Software Development

Our software development engineers make sure our solutions work perfectly.

Simulation, Testing and Certification

Every crucial aspect of our products is tested. We run intensive simulations, experiments and tests in our own laboratories.

All competences under one roof

SCHURTER has a clear advantage when it comes to engineering: all competences are available under one roof. A close-knit, global network of experts takes care of all aspects from the idea, project management, simulations, prototyping to the finished product. The close proximity of product development, manufacturing and certification does the rest to ensure that a new product achieves consistently high quality and the maximum reliability demanded by SCHURTER.

Our engineers in numerous SCHURTER Group companies worldwide work closely together and have decades of experience.

We would be happy to put our engineering competences at your service!

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