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HMI prototyping services. Making ideas visible.

Prototyping - transforming ideas into tangible forms

The benefits of prototyping

HMI products are typically the face and interaction of the end-user and therefore essential for the user experience of our customer’s devices. Images say more than a 1.000 words, the real thing even more.

During the design phase, prototyping can be used to assess the product in terms of both function and aesthetics, as it is being used in multiple design variations.

SCHURTER is able to engineer and manufacture prototypes in exceptionally short lead times thanks to the establishment of a prototyping department (the protoshop) under direct control of the engineering department. Our protoshop has all the essential and new innovative processes, which can be implemented to make virtually every new product within a very short timescale. A multi-skilled team is available within the protoshop, to handle the most demanding product designs


Want to shorten your time to market?

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