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Smart Connector DS11 PEM

Smart Connector DS11 PEM

The Smart Connector DS11 is the world's first intelligent device connector that can be installed in virtually any appliance. Thanks to particularly compact dimensions, it offers real added value for device manufacturers to easily and cost-effectively create "smart" products. A serial interface to the device processor enables the implementation of data visualizations, energy and asset management, the provision of device maintenance information and other cloud-based services.

Thanks to the integrated V-Lock cord retention system, accidental unplugging is prevented.


  • First of its kind on the market

  • The most compact Smart PEM (Power Entry Module)

  • Enables all conceivable web services

  • Bi-directional connection from the cloud to the device processor

  • Connection via WiFi

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5 advantages of the Smart Connector DS11

The Smart Connector DS11 is an intelligent device connector that, thanks to its compact dimensions, can be installed in almost any device instead of conventional device input connectors. Read here what advantages the Smart Connector offers you and your customers.

1. IoT-ready overnight
The Smart Connector is a smart device input connector with WLAN connectivity. By installing the Smart Connector and using the SCHURTER Smart Ecosystem, you have all the functions necessary for an IoT-enabled device. Do without your own IoT development.

2. Detailed data analysis
By recording values such as power consumption, performance and voltage, usage patterns can be identified and device operation optimised. In addition, information can be exchanged via an API interface. For example, the utilisation of the devices can be monitored or preventive maintenance can be planned. Offer your customers customised solutions that optimally meet their needs.

3. Comprehensive SCHURTER Smart Ecosystem
The SCHURTER Smart Ecosystem consists of the Smart Connector, the SCHURTER Cloud, the Smart Dashboard, the Smart App for Apple and Android, and the Smart API. The dashboard and the app offer convenient access to the device data at any time. Among other things, the connected devices can be switched on or off remotely.

4. Simple control with the Smart Dashboard
The Smart Dashboard is the browser-based, visual interface to the SCHURTER Cloud. Devices equipped with a Smart Connector can be controlled, monitored and managed in the dashboard. In addition, the Smart Dashboard is a flexible platform. If required, own individual functions can be programmed or the Smart Dashboard can be connected to the customer's IT infrastructure.

5. New business models
Data collection and analysis through the Smart Connector offer a high added value. New business models can be built on this. The analysis of operating time or usage patterns allow new "pay-per-use" payment models that are accurate, reliable and verifiable.

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