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Industrial Equipment

Wide range of internationally approved components for industrial equipment

IM0014809 M29 large

Medical Equipment

Certified and safe products for use in high-quality medical equipment


Protection of electronics in automotive engineering

Avionics and Space

"Zero Defects": Absolute reliability under the most extreme conditions in avionics and space

Our market segments

Industrial Equipment, Medical Equipment and Automotive

Industrial Equipment

We offer a vast range of internationally approved components for use in almost any industrial equipment. Over 20’000 products are worldwide available at your preferred point of purchase.

Medical Equipment

Our components for high-grade medical equipment come into use wherever certified and perfectly safe solutions are in demand. The wide range of safe power supplies and specific user interfaces meet the needs of an exacting market.


SCHURTER meet the needs of a rapidly evolving market that is constantly striving for excellence and performance. We are always working to reach the automotive specific requirements through innovative and technically advanced products.

Data and Communication, Avionics and Space and Energy

Data and Communication

Safe power supply and easy processing for use in data centers. Data Center application requires standardized high-quality components and optimized assembly processes in order to ensure zero defect.

Avionics and Space

For obvious reasons, specifications in Space & Avionics are significantly higher than the regular international standards. We provide zero defect solutions to meet the specific requirements of electronic systems used on aircraft, satellites and spacecraft.


We offer a wide range of products and services serving diverse needs. We provide both a wide range of internationally approved components, as well as customized solutions, which are used in reliable energy supply systems
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