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Innovation Management

Only the best innovation ideas are realized at SCHURTER.

Innovation Management

Leading through continuous innovation

Innovation management is a main part of product lifecycle management and product development. As the basis of our high innovative strength, Innovation Management is partly responsible for SCHURTER's ability to successfully develop, market and sell electronic components, input systems and customer-specific solutions.

Our customers benefit directly from Innovation Management. This ensures that we can offer products that are based on the latest technologies and developments and are manufactured under state-of-the-art conditions.

Idea generation

Innovation management begins with the generation of ideas. SCHURTER uses a digital innovation platform to capture and process innovation ideas. The inputs are based on market information and requirements, developments in the business field for electrical and electronic products, technical innovations, feedback from our customers, universities, institutions, and the corporate strategy.

Every year, a three-digit number of innovative ideas are recorded on the Innovation Platform.

Idea screening

Ideas entered and categorised on the Innovation platform are reviewed and further developed according to predefined criteria. Specialists from Development, Product Management and Sales work closely together in the Innovation Panel to consider all aspects of a new innovation idea. In particular, the technical and commercial feasibility are evaluated.

For positively evaluated innovation ideas, there are two possible paths. Innovation proposals that can be developed and realised in the near future enter the innovation circle. Innovation proposals that cannot yet be implemented but are interesting for the future are classified as future potential and reassessed at regular intervals.

Idea evaluation

Only the best innovation ideas are realized at SCHURTER. The committee of the Innovation Circle carefully reviews all innovation proposals that have passed the Innovation Screening. This is the interface from Innovation Management to the Product Innovation Roadmap, which represents the entry into product development.

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