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Marc Hägeli

Head Customer Service Export

Marc Hägeli

My journey at SCHURTER

Actually I planned to experience my first taste of working life somewhere else right after completing my commercial training at SCHURTER in 2000. I am still here. I have never been bored. An interesting year abroad, continuing education, career moves, my work and my team: challenges and changes occur on an ongoing basis.

70 to 80 shipments leave SCHURTER Lucerne daily for our national subsidiaries and customers throughout the world. My around ten-member team ensures a smooth operation from the incoming order to the timely delivery. Our supreme motto in Customer Service Export is complete satisfaction of our customers. Accordingly, I am upset if, by way of exception, we cannot fulfill their wishes. Situations like these spur us on to a constant improvement process.

In general, change is a primary topic at SCHURTER. As a company, we must remain flexible in a competitive market and accept and implement changes without becoming frantic. This concerns not only production but also the administration. As a team leader I can make a concrete contribution, when it concerns more efficient work. I call it "eliminating the inertia".

Change is also important to me personally. That may sound funny for someone who has worked for the same company since his basic professional training. Yet change also means moving forward, and I can do that at SCHURTER. Right after the commercial training SCHURTER made it possible for me to spend an exciting exchange year in England and supported me during my advanced training to become a certified professional manager.

Besides the networking with our customers and in the global SCHURTER Group, the relationships here at SCHURTER Lucerne are also very important to me. The annual summer event, a beer after work, a day spent skiing, an event cooking with colleagues from work or simply a couple of words in person help to create a good working atmosphere, which I value greatly.

We are in fact a global technology company, and yet at SCHURTER one is never just a personnel number. People know one another, address one another by name and communicate openly. Anyone who is self-motivated and wants to be advance can set things in motion – and change.

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